4xM is an End-To-End Systems Integrator providing IT Solutions & Services across Applications and Infrastructure with a Global Delivery Model

Enterprise Services
Enterprises today are plagued with a variety of IT Infrastructure requirements. The sheer list of tasks to be accomplished is at once long and equally intimidating. Moreover, diverse branch connectivity requirements with granular application policies, hybrid cloud deployments scenarios, software-defined WAN & Work from home or rather Everything from Home, pose various administrative challenges to IT organizations worldwide.
At 4xM, our approach to Infrastructure Management is focused on delivering optimum value to our clients, by using future-proof products and solutions, with flexible consumption models. Our offerings, powered by our innovative core of specialists, leverage our proven technology accelerators and IPs. As a one-stop partner for clients, both big and small, 4xM’s offerings focus on lowering infrastructure costs, increasing availability and optimizing infrastructure and automation.

Application Cloud PlatformInfrastructure
Managed Cloud ServicesTesting
Validation TestingBPO
Business Availability
Information Security
Application SecurityInfrastructure
Info Security ManagementTesting
Threat ManagementBPO
Data Protection and Risk Management
Application Process AutomationInfrastructure
ITSM AutomationTesting
Digital Testing and TransformationBPO
Process Automation
CI and CD ServicesInfrastructure
Environment ProvisioningTesting
Automated TestingBPO
CI/ Process Efficiency
Insurance Platform
Platform IntegrationInfrastructure
Business Centric TestingBPO
Customized Insurance Platform
BI ReportingInfrastructure
IT Service Performance AnalyticsTesting
Data Quality TestingBPO
Predictive Analysis

SOC Certifications